T. Kimnach x TPQC seeds
T. Kimnach x TPQC seeds
Trichocereus pachanoi Kimnach x TPQC seeds 0810 from Misplant. Photos of cactus credit goes to Misplant.
According to the Trichocereus Origin and History page on Facebook, "Trichocereus pachanoi 'Kimnach' (HBG 53196, 2876D)
A pachanoi collected by Myron Kimnach along the Cajamarca-Namora Road in Cajamarca, Peru on 5/19/1984. Myron Kimnach was the director of the HBG."
According to Misplants description, "TPQC is a form of True Pachanoi with very unique & distinct traits. This plant is a clone of Nitrogens TPQC plant but has never been attacked by snails & thus no snail damage & no noticable monstrous growth." I would speculate there are monstrous genetics waiting dormant in these seeds...